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Your entire online presence in one social platform. Collaborate with friends on custom feeds, bring all your socials into one profile and monetize without the platform taking a cut.

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Creators only needed one social platform. But then we all ended up using tons of them. And when creators wanted to get paid for their work, bouncing between platforms became a full-time job.

Earning is a Scramble

Make a living online is hard work, and it has not gotten easier. The piecemeal revenues most creators get after platforms have taken their cut is simply not enough. Whether it’s subscriptions, digital products, personalized art, brand partnerships etc… That’s why we keep making accounts everywhere just to keep up and get by.

But it doesn’t have to be this way...

All Together Now

Picture a platform that lets you share all of your content in one place. Every new video, podcast, photo, song, art piece or latest update from all of your platforms: all shared to a single profile. Now, imagine if that same place had a suite of ways to monetize and collaborate, too. No more tab-jumping. No more siloed followers. Grow you following together with other creators, all in one place.

Nowbase is currently invite-only and will open up to the world soon. Please check back in to find out when you can sign up!

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